BE United is creative arts company based in Edinburgh. Their vision is for all people to enjoy the richness of life through interaction and learning from cultures different to our own. With a branch in South Africa, BE United are at the forefront of introducing Southern African culture in Scotland.
In Step dancers have the opportunity to work with BE United this October for a day of dance with the very talented Professor Tokoloho. Thanks to the Holywood Trust, we are able to offer this masterclass to our dancers free of charge.
Professor Tokoloho is a professional dancer & performer based in South Africa who has been working with BE United for several years! He specialises in Pantsula, Zulu, Gumboot and Hip Hop dance. He is a diverse artist with over 6 years of experience dancing, performing and delivering workshops. He has performed at huge international events such as The Durban Sports Awards, Miss Universe, was part of BE United’s ‘Champions Tale’ Scottish Tour in 2017 and performed The Edinburgh Fringe Festival in So Where To Africa with Njobo Productions at DanceBase in 2018.
Here is the schedule for the day:
9am - 10am: Hip Hop Basic's for 5-7’s and 7-9’s
10.15am - 12.15pm: Hip Hop for 9-12’s and seniors
12.15pm - 1pm: Lunch/break
1.15pm - 3.15pm: Hip Hop for 9-12’s and seniors
3.15pm - 3.30pm: Parents invited to watch for the sharing.