the selects
In Step Selects are the face of In Step. These dancers are the driving force behind creating a community both within and outwith our dance school. We host events and perform at events all with the aim of pulling our community closer together and celebrating our achievements. Our Selects undergo the most focused and advanced dance training here at In Step. These classes are a great stepping stone for any dancer who may wish to train professionally.
Role of an In Step Select - Each In Step Select is a role model to the rest of the school. Children of all ages look up to them and can turn to them for help and support. Selects have an important yet rewarding role in representing In Step as a dance school. They are given opportunities to watch professional performances, perform at various events, gain teaching work experience, receive exclusive invitations to master classes with guest choreographers as well as first access to new merchandise or workshops.
Select Jrs 2017/2018
the audition process
We like to give our dancers the experience of an audition to gain a place as a Select. This is for a variety of reasons:
For those who would like to train profesionally, this is great practice for them to see what an audition is like.
It gives our dancers something to work towards and a sense of achievement if they gain a place.
It is important for our Selects to re-audition each year so as they do not become complacent.
It allows teaching staff to make an informed decision as to who fits the role best and is able to perform under nerves and pressure.
Annual auditions are held each Summer to allocate the next group of Selects to represent our school. Dancers can apply for Select Jr's if they are aged 3 to 13 and to our Selects if they are aged 13+. If successful, In Step Selects will be assigned their own individual Select number which they can have printed on their personalised Select uniform and any other uniform they choose to.
Selects 2016/2017